Celebrating Our 900th Graduate

Leeroy, Narconon Graduate

“When I first started the Narconon program, I had a lot of problems with anger and self-control. I was worried early on that I wouldn't be able to get through the program without losing my temper. Little things used to always set me off but I discovered I could control myself and not lose my temper.

“Before I got sober, I wasn't a good father. I was so irresponsible I would always say I would help around the house but I never would. I always thought of the messed up things I did to my friends and my mom and the things I could have done but didn't. Now since doing the program and getting honest and apologizing to my mom, I feel more clear minded.

“As a result of the Narconon program, my communication skills have grown so much. Before I wasn't able to talk to my family or face problems I was going through or even talk about them. When I was in jail or on the streets and my mom would call me, I would rush her off the phone and I didn't like to talk. Now, I really enjoy talking to her. I can just sit and talk to her and enjoy joking about something and laughing. Before the Narconon program, I would never have done that.

“It is the same with my daughter. I can talk to her now without feeling regrets for being a bad father. I can just be in the moment and not think about the times I was messed up around her and how that made me feel. I have my family back and most importantly my relationship with my daughter.

“This program has completely changed me 100%. I was insecure in myself before the program. I would think about wanting to do things and convince myself even before I tried, that I couldn't do it. Now, I feel like a new person. I have my self-confidence back and know I am capable of anything I want to achieve.

“I am no longer a coward. I am a new man. Someone who is completely responsible and able to confront any problems that cross my way. Thank you so much.”

–Leeroy, Narconon Graduate



Aaron has been writing drug education articles and documenting the success of the Narconon program for over two years.