Aaron in Family Help
June 15, 2021

When Addicts Say “I’m Never Gonna Quit”

Dealing with addiction can be one of the hardest things a family will face. Knowing what it might take to help a loved one can make a world of difference.


Aaron in Addiction
July 11, 2019

How Enabling Starts and How to Stop

When you have a kid, you want them to have the best possible life they can have. Many parents will help their kids financially, yet this behavior gets complicated when your child begins to struggle with substance abuse.


Joe Kertis in Addiction
June 26, 2018

Addiction: Are You Helping or Enabling?

I’m going to be very honest with you today in this article because I care about saving lives . I’m going to risk hurting your feelings and defying the “rules” you’ve been taught about addiction. You don’t have to believe me. I was a drug addict for 12 years.


Aaron in Drug Rehab
March 16, 2017

Enabling VS Love

An enabler is defined as a person who encourages negative or self-destructive behavior in another. This is the definition I found on the internet and reading the meaning is hurtful. What parent wants to be referred to as being an enabler to their drug addicted child?