In the Midst of a Crisis, How to Handle an Overdose

Someone you love or are close to passes out. Their lips are turning blue and they are lethargic or non-responsive. You know they struggle with substance abuse and suspect an overdose, but you do not have Narcan. What do you do? Obviously call an ambulance.


Aaron in National News
October 28, 2018

New Test Strips for Fentanyl

New test strips that can be dipped into any drug to test if it contains the drug Fentanyl are now being passed out in Whitehall, Ohio. The test strips are not approved by the FDA, but people in Whitehall are desperate for anything which may cut down the number of deaths.


Aaron in National News
March 4, 2018

New “Bad Drug Batch” Community Text Alerts

Imagine waking up to what sounds like a tornado warning or amber alert coming from your phone. This time though it is a warning that fentanyl is killing people in your community. In order to prevent more deaths from drug overdose, students in Baltimore have done just that.