Aaron in Success Story
July 10, 2018

Proof that Interventions do Work

“Before I went into the addiction treatment center that would help me turn my life around, I had been hit by a car and wound up in the hospital. Yet, I was still in denial and refusing to go to treatment . “When I woke up in the hospital, I called my parents told them what happened.


Joe Kertis in Family Help
July 7, 2018

Intervention: Does It Really Work?

The idea of “doing an intervention” on a drug addict has gained popularity thanks to television. And as the opioid epidemic wreaks havoc on this country, more families ask themselves this question; does it work? First, there is a lot false information out there.


Aaron in Family Help
December 26, 2017

Intervention 101

Do you have a loved one or friend who is battling addiction to drugs or alcohol? When you are with them at a holiday event or maybe just hanging out, is the “elephant in the room” there also?


Aaron in Family Help
October 31, 2017

“I Dont Have a Problem”

Three Tactics to Deal with an Addict in Denial Dealing with an addict can be hard enough without them also claiming they are not an addict . Here is a list of things to help you deal with an addict who is in denial. 1) Cut them off financially.