Alina Snowden in Success Story
July 14, 2022

Success, Survival and Sobriety

Some people in the world are seen as successful and able to survive with everyday life but use drugs behind closed doors. They believe the drugs contribute to their success and survival in society but in reality, it’s destroying them.


Aaron in Success Story
May 21, 2016

Narconon Took So Much From Me

Aimless. Depressed. Selfish. Scared. Anxious. Paranoid. Worthless. Stuck. An utter disappointment to all who loved me.


Aaron in Success Story
January 4, 2016

Changing My Life

Since I’ve been at Narconon my life has significantly changed for the best. I have successfully been clean for 4 months and I owe it all to the program and the staff. The program gave me a drug-free withdraw which is awesome cause you’re trying to get off drugs not keep doing them.


Aaron in Success Story
January 4, 2016

Life Changes After Two Years Sober

I am two years clean of drugs and alcohol. During those two years, I have grown more than I could have ever imagined and now know what it means to live a fulfilling life.