Ten Tips for a Sober Holiday Season

Christmas party

Hello friends!

I put together this list to help all of you stay sober through the holidays. Some of you may remember these tips from last year. It was such a big hit; I decided to send them out again! I know the holidays can be difficult and I hope these tips help everyone have a fun and safe holiday season.

1. Decide now you will get through the rest of the holiday season completely sober.

2. It’s okay to say you are in recovery. Being open and honest will help deter people from trying to pressure you into using drugs or having just one drink to “ring in the New Year.”

3. Bring your own non-alcoholic drinks. In the event there is only alcoholic laden punches or spiked nogs, you will have something in your hand.

4. Choose holiday parties or activities you know will not focus on drugs and alcohol. Don’t put yourself in situations that are risky to your sobriety.

5. Use your integrity. By now you know what is right and wrong. If you think a situation sounds a little sketchy and you don't think it is a safe environment, leave immediately.

6. Be completely abstinent. As soon as you have that first drink, your perception and inhibitions are lowered.

7. Bring a sober buddy along with you to all of your holiday activities. That person will help you stay in check when things get tough.

8. Hang out with your family. It is a perfect time to make up for past holiday experiences.

9. Practice diplomacy. Everyone has family members they don't always get along with. When you are having a conversation with them, talk about safe topics that will not provoke any sort of argument.

10. Use this holiday season as a way to celebrate your sobriety. Doing so will ensure you begin 2018 with your first New Year’s resolution intact!

Know a recovering addict who could use these tips? Print out a festive copy of this picture to give to your loved one.

Ten Tips for a Sober Holiday Season

As always if you know an addict who needs treatment call us today to speak with a professional.


Tara Smith

Tara’s involvement in substance abuse treatment followed her involvement helping a loved one through an addiction. She works in the substance abuse field at Narconon New Life Retreat while following in her mother’s footsteps by pursuing a Bachelors in Social Work.