There is Light in My Life Again

After years of struggling with addiction and letting it control his life,
Collen found the Narconon program and now he is almost a year sober.

Graduate who is almost a year sober.
“I have seen the darkest parts of the world and the darkest part of my life. 
Now I see nothing but joy,
light and happiness.”

“Drugs and alcohol had always been an extremely important part in my life. They were my love, my mistress, my affair. I put them before friends and family no matter what. Slowly and eventually, I started to die and lose everything. I watched as my family and friends leave my side and give up on me. I watched as I became just an object in the world taking up space and having no purpose. I lost everything that was once important to me. My family, my friends, careers, dreams and goals all vanished because of my addiction and I knew that something had to change. Thinking death was the only other alternative, I came to Narconon for one last shot at life, and I am truly grateful for making that decision.

“I’ve tried AA and other programs and they were all worthless and a waste of my time but this program was different. After the drug-free Withdrawal and the New Life Detox in the sauna, which got rid of all the toxins and chemicals that were in my body, I got to discover who I am.
I found the root cause of my addiction, through countless talks with my counselor and other staff. I figured out who I am and who God wanted me to be. The staff and the program saved my life. Unlike other treatment centers and programs, Narconon staff live their lives to save people like me. Their willingness to help each and every person and not judge a person for what they have done or where they have come from but for who they can become is the best thing about this program.

“I have my life, my family and my purpose back. I have seen the darkest parts of the world and the darkest part of my life. Now I see nothing but joy, light and happiness. I have a purpose and I have life.”                                                              

- Collen



Aaron has been writing drug education articles and documenting the success of the Narconon program for over two years.