Getting My Life Back from Addiction

MK, Narconon Graduate

“Going to Narconon was one of the best decisions of my life. I am grateful I had the opportunity to do the Narconon rehabilitation program and change my life. I am especially blessed my father found and paid for the program; a lot of people don’t get this lucky.

“The Narconon drug rehab has been a wonderful experience for me. I have learned a lot. The sauna program gave me my mind back and I’m not on edge anymore or inhibited by racing thoughts or a short attention span.

“Objectives taught me to be present in the moment and not living in the past. The ethics portion has guided me back on track to being a respectful and honest person capable of interacting with others and society.

“I was able to let go of much guilt and pain I have held onto for a very long time. I feel renewed, refreshed and completely rejuvenated. I have enthusiasm and hope for my life. I’m excited about my future. I am sincerely happy and feel truly amazing physically and mentally.”
—MK, Narconon Graduate



Aaron has been writing drug education articles and documenting the success of the Narconon program for over two years.