How Does Covid-19 Effect Treatment
Many families have been instructed to stay home over the next several weeks as a safeguard for themselves and their families. Subsequently, we have been receiving calls from families that, upon self-imposed quarantine, they discovered a loved one struggling with substance abuse.
During this trying time, it can feel overwhelming to make this discovery. We are here to help and we are accepting new students. We will work with you and your family to make sure your family members arrive here safely. They will receive the highest level of care once they do.
During this time of fear about COVID-19, all of us at Narconon Louisiana want to let you know we are still providing the highest level of care in a clean and secluded property set on 15 acres in the country. Currently, we are doing a full facility wipe down and sanitization several times each day.
We are dedicated to safeguarding the health and wellness of every person who enters our premises. For this reason, we are taking precautions to prevent the spread of illness. Based on advice from our Medical Director, we have put in place the following protocols to ensure our staff and students are kept safe:
- All persons who enter the premises will have their temperature taken.
- All persons will then be asked to disinfect their hands and then be briefed on keeping their distance from others and not engaging in handshaking, fist-bumping, or any other contact.
- All persons will be asked whether they are feeling ill in any way or have been in contact with others who are ill.
- Any persons who have symptoms or who have been in contact with an ill person will be asked not to enter the premises until they are symptom-free or are no longer in contact with someone who is ill.
- Currently, we are also suspending visitation to the center to ensure the least amount of possible exposure. Only employees, service workers, and clients checking into the facility will be allowed on the premises.
In addition to the steps above, our Executive and Medical staff stay current with advice and info released by the CDC and the Louisiana Department of Health. This way, we can stay at the forefront of preventative measures to ensure all patients are kept safe.
If you are looking to get yourself or a loved one into treatment, please call us today. We have caring staff standing by 24-7 to ensure there is support for those struggling with substance abuse during this time.
Aaron has been writing drug education articles and documenting the success of the Narconon program for over two years.
Addiction and COVID
COVID-19 has been an issue for more than two years at this point. Addiction has been an ongoing issue for centuries. There is more media highlighting COVID while much is not being said about addiction.