I’m Free From Alcohol

Free man
Photo by Marjan Apostolovic/Shutterstock.com

While here at Narconon, I started with withdrawal to get off alcohol. Getting off of everything helped me return to the present time much more aware and not feeling mentally and emotionally muted.

In the New Life Detox, I flushed the toxins out of my system and felt refreshed and revitalized with a clear body and mind. While in Objectives, I came to realize I could take orders and be in control of myself. Life Skills was the most impactful phase of the program for me. Looking at my conditions and how they were affecting my life, how one problem had followed me since childhood, and how I had allowed it to dictate my actions and reactions was a major win for me.

Seeing it, recognizing it, and then working to change it was more freeing than I ever expected!

D.C., Narconon Graduate


Alina Snowden

Originally from Kentucky, Alina decided after changing her life that she wanted to help others understand the dangers of addiction and help families know what to do if their loved one is struggling. She now writes articles to spread awareness and positivity about how those with addiction problems can turn their lives around.