It Feels Good to Be Me Again!

Narconon New Life Retreat Graduate

I arrived at Narconon messed up in all aspects of my life. I was a poor provider for my daughter, I wasn't contributing anything to the relationship I'm in, I wasn't in the greatest communication with my family and I wasn't working as much as I used to. I was losing everything.

I went through the New Life Detoxification and got my energy back. Then I did the next step which broke down the emotional walls I put up around me so I wouldn't have to deal with real-life problems. I learned to deal and work through and the problems that got in my way.

The ethics step got me to the root of what I was dwelling on and to confront it. Then I looked at all the transgressions in my life. I was able to see what I had done and take responsibility for those actions and I came out the other side.

I got my work ethic back by helping around at the facility. This put some positive outlook at what I can do and how I can be a productive person.

Doing this program, I am now a better father, husband, brother, son. I can now physically work and I can work through any problems I may come across and take responsibility for myself and others.

It feels good to be me again!



Aaron has been writing drug education articles and documenting the success of the Narconon program for over two years.