Preventing a Lost Life

“Suicide doesn't just effect the person themselves, but those who are left behind, especially when there are children involved. I lost my dad to suicide when I was 11 years old and, yes, my dad was an alcoholic. Two weeks after my dad committed suicide, my uncle did as well. It wasn't long after my mom and step-dad got married that his dad committed suicide.
“When my father passed away in August, 1994, I said I would never do anything that selfish. I couldn't understand why someone could be so selfish. I then spent years and years self medicating. I was on anti-depressants since the age of 15. I spent so many years of my life telling someone, a complete stranger, for an hour a day once a month, all of what I was going through. The response was the same every time. Take one of these a day and take two of these twice a day. Come back and see me in a month. That was it. I spent so many years and so much of my families' money and my own money in search of a sense of happiness. A sense of fulfillment. In 2012 I was at my lowest and I was seriously thinking about ending my life. I always said if I had a son, I would never put him through the heartache that I went through. Yet, I did. I was too selfish to face difficulties that went along with living life. I was 29 years old when this event took place. My son was 6 months old.
“Suicide is a subject most people tend to stay away from. In the United States there is a week dedicated to suicide awareness. This year it is Sunday, September 10th - Saturday, September 16th, 2017. Just because there is a specific week dedicated to suicide doesn't mean it should be disregarded the rest of the year. The ribbon for this week is purple/teal bi-color. So during this week of the year be on the look for this ribbon. Until this happens, keep in mind that suicide happens everyday. Be aware of those you are close to. Watch for signs, not only for suicide but drug and alcohol abuse as well.” - Anonymous 

There are so many among us that we have no idea what or who they truly are; what their home life, work life, or social life truly entail.

Each individual searches their whole life trying to find the easiest way to solve different problems in their lives, whether by seeing a counselor, writing a diary, meditating, or by taking drugs and/or alcohol. For some, the only solution to the troubles of the problems in their life is suicide. Unfortunately, this is the way a lot of people see as the only way out of the harsh reality that is their life.

Did you know that 50% of all suicides are associated with alcohol and drug dependence and at least 25% of alcoholics and drug addicts commit suicide? Not only that, but over 70% of adolescent suicides may be complicated by drugs and alcohol use and dependence.

On an average, a young person (age 15-24) dies by suicide every 2 hours and 12 minutes. Suicide is the 11th leading cause of death for all Americans. Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for people aged 15-24 years old.

Warning signs of suicide include the following.

  • Talking about being a burden to others or feeling trapped
  • Saying there is no reason to live or talking about suicide
  • Increased use of alcohol or drugs
  • Researching ways to kill themselves
  • Giving away prized possession
  • Secluding from family and friends
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • In a depressed mood
  • Feeling humiliated
  • Experiencing anxiety, irritability or rage.

For more facts on the signs and risk factors for suicide visit

These number do not even include psychotropic meds. Between 2001 and 2010, the use of psychotropic drugs increased 22%. In 2010 Americans spent more than $16 billion on anti-psychotics, $11 billion on antidepressants, and $7 billion on drugs to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). People who are on these medications are 6 times more likely to kill themselves.

Don’t let things get to this point of endless medications or dangerous drug and alcohol abuse. There is a solution for those in your life that are struggling with drug abuse. Call today for help with your loved one.


Daniel Humphreys

While growing up in a country town in Mississippi, Daniel fell into drug addiction. He turned his life around and not only has become a better father to his young son, he now helps others who have the goal of becoming sober.