I Have Purpose and the Future Is Clear

JR Narconon Graduate

I can talk about life before coming to Narconon—all the missed birthdays and holidays.

I can tell you about almost losing my career, my wife, my children and all the things that are important to me.

But I’d rather tell you what I have. I have knowing—knowing finally who I am, what I want to do and more importantly, all those things I thought I’d lost.

I always did have them, I just didn’t know it. Addiction seemed to be the only solution for me and it turned out I was just confused.

“I leave here happy, powerful and free.
I have purpose and the future is clear.”

Narconon helped me to confront everything in my life for what it really is. It helped me take responsibility for my life and realize that I am not so bad.

I’ve learned more about myself during the last few short months than I have learned in my 47 years on this earth. I know anything is possible and success is certain.

The staff at Narconon is there to truly help and I am living proof of that.

I’m thankful for going to Narconon Louisiana and I know that by doing so, I saved my life.

I came here almost without any idea if I would live another day and I leave here happy, powerful and free. I have purpose and the future is clear.

JR—Narconon Graduate