Detoxification Success Story

Sober man
Photo by Stavar Ioana Alexandra/

After having read “Clear Body Clear Mind,” which is the book that explains the sauna process, I felt the main overall objective of sauna was to clear my body of all the toxins I had put into it over the years. I remember the book mentioned having a renewed outlook as well as an increase in vitality, which was not at all very real to me at the moment when I read it. Now, however, after having completed the Sauna Detoxification, I realize just how true that is and how much it has impacted my daily life.

When I think back to my first week in the sauna, I remember being scared and anxious because I had no idea what lay ahead for me. I remember having constant cravings coupled with an overwhelming desire to just leave the program and not face the damage I caused to my body. Fortunately, I was able to push through these 2 factors and simply focus on doing the program. This in itself was a major milestone for me.

One of the most valuable things sauna has enabled me to understand is my self-awareness, even though my brain attempts to manipulate me into believing my problems lie in the physical environment and not within myself. The reality is that the majority of what I am trying to escape resides in my own mind. This outlook, coupled with drug use, destroyed my emotions and overall mental stability.

Thanks to the sauna clearing me of all the drug residuals, I can think clearly and notice when my brain is entering that manipulative mode, and I can shut it off without drugs. This allows me to be analytical in my thought processes instead of just reacting to my environment with unfettered emotion. I once again see the beauty in the world around me, and I don’t have to be anxious about things I can’t control.

I honestly couldn’t be happier with my success in this program so far. I finally have the patience to deal with everyday life, and I don’t just try to run away from problems. I’ve been exercising every day, and my self-esteem and confidence have skyrocketed. I look in the mirror and like what I see for the first time in a long time.

All these achievements have given me stability in my life, and I couldn’t be more grateful. I was thinking back to when I was younger, I would wake up early and was eager to get to school and have meaningful conversations with friends and classmates. We would trade Hot Wheels and show each other our Lego creations. It was a naïve and blissful childhood filled with authentic emotions. When I was in active addiction, I would often daydream about these wholesome times in childhood, wondering if I could ever experience something similar again.

Now, after completing sauna, I am truly starting to experience similar moments with the amazing friends I’ve made while here. The best part about it is I can cherish and remember each moment because I am sober, and I am forever grateful for that.

Thank you, Narconon, for helping regain a childlike wonder, and thank you, whoever reads this, for hearing my success story.

J.M., Narconon Student


Alina Snowden

Originally from Kentucky, Alina decided after changing her life that she wanted to help others understand the dangers of addiction and help families know what to do if their loved one is struggling. She now writes articles to spread awareness and positivity about how those with addiction problems can turn their lives around.