I’m Keeping Myself on the Right Track

Narconon Graduate
B.B., Narconon Graduate

Throughout the program, I accomplished so many things, so much more than I could have hoped for. Not only did I get off drugs when I was in withdrawal, but I excreted drug residues that I had trapped inside my body throughout the sauna portion. Sauna led me to regain so many things physically and mentally. I came out feeling as healthy as I can remember feeling. I also came out with the mental and emotional clarity that I hadn't experienced in 10+ years, which was overwhelmingly incredible.

Throughout Objectives, I relearned a lot about myself and my surroundings that I had previously thought were obscure to the point where no attention should be paid to these things. I'm in control of myself and the environment I put myself in, and it's so nice to be aware of this in the present time. Conditions taught me how to work through situations I find myself in to become and stay a better person. After looking at all the wrongdoings, I realized I was not a good person and never wanted to be that way again.

“I have set goals for myself and moral codes that I refuse to give up on or go against, and for that, I am so thankful for everybody who had a hand in any part of my program and gave me this opportunity.”

Now that I know how to keep myself on the right track and always point out others' poor behavior, I am confident I can establish an environment where I will succeed. I have this newfound sense of motivation and something to prove. I have set goals for myself and moral codes that I refuse to give up on or go against, and for that, I am so thankful to everybody who had a hand in any part of my program and gave me this opportunity.

B.B., Narconon Graduate


Alina Snowden

Originally from Kentucky, Alina decided after changing her life that she wanted to help others understand the dangers of addiction and help families know what to do if their loved one is struggling. She now writes articles to spread awareness and positivity about how those with addiction problems can turn their lives around.