I Can Be the Best I Can Be

Narconon Louisisana Graduate - K.M.

Before I arrived at Narconon, I was going through a lot of ups and downs in my life. I was confused and not being myself and absorbed myself in drinking to deal with my problems. Since I have been in treatment and stayed even though I wanted to leave, I learned many things about myself. I learned I am strong and I really do have people in my life who love and support me.

Without Narconon, I don’t know what would have become of me. I probably would have lost most everything that is important to me. I have learned to become a better person while sober. I have learned different kinds of coping mechanisms to deal with my alcoholism. I feel now I am a better communicator and that has allowed me to break through the ice with my family and friends.

Yes, I am scared for the real “sober” world, but I feel I am ready to take on that task. Every person at Narconon, staff and students have been amazing. I cannot say a bad thing about anyone I interacted with. The support and guidance have been amazing and the friends I have met enlightening. I am going to prove to the world and those around me I can do this. I can be the best person, mother, girlfriend, daughter and friend and I can be sober while doing so.

Huge thanks to all of those at Narconon, Louisiana.

—KM Narconon Graduate



Aaron has been writing drug education articles and documenting the success of the Narconon program for over two years.