Sauna for Addiction Testimonial

Narconon Sauna

When I first got to Narconon and before getting through of withdrawal, my physical cravings were incredibly high and at times it seemed like they would never go away. My stomach was constantly upset, my head pounded daily, I had a strong desire to stay tucked away in the darkest of areas. My legs remained constantly restless and a full night’s sleep seemed unattainable. I didn’t feel the desire to comply with what was being asked of me and I was physically and mentally in a very dark place, honestly.

As I came out of withdrawal, I felt like I had found a glimmer of hope after nine grueling days that would have pushed me back to using if I had been back at home in my “comfort zone.”

The day before I started sauna, I was able to shoot a basketball and play a few games of ping-pong. I enjoyed myself, but I could tell that my physical capabilities had diminished, and I became easily frustrated with myself at times. I still craved the drugs I had found comfort in even though it had been a week and half since I had last used.

I entered sauna with an open mind and allowed myself to not hold back. I had days I felt like c*#$ when leaving sauna where I slept for thirteen hours in a twenty-four-hour period, and I had days that I felt absolutely phenomenal when exiting the sauna.

“Throughout each day though, I saw and felt the physical, mental and emotional progress I was making. I have been able to attain a regular sleep schedule and naturally wake up at 8 am each day—which is amazing to me in itself.”

Throughout each day though, I saw and felt the physical, mental and emotional progress I was making. I have been able to attain a regular sleep schedule and naturally wake up at 8 am each day—which is amazing to me in itself.

I was able to astronomically improve my time management skills during sauna which is something I severely struggled with before coming to Narconon. I have been able to push through a few upsets I have had, which felt major to me, and that was an incredible win. I have also realized my drug use prior to this program affected myself and my wife and family in negative ways. I see that there is no moderation to drug use, and I am excited to leave that season of my life behind.

During the sauna detoxification, I felt myself running out various drugs like Adderall, meth, suboxone, opiates, marijuana, LSD—as well as sun radiation.

Today I can honestly say that I feel 100x better than I did the day I started the program. I truly feel like my body has been freed of the drugs and toxins that have been keeping me chained down for so many years. I am thankful for the New Life Detox and those who have helped me make it this far. I know my wife and baby girl at home are eternally grateful for everyone who has helped motivate me to get my s*** together.

With sincere gratitude,

J.P. Narconon Graduate 2/8/19



Aaron has been writing drug education articles and documenting the success of the Narconon program for over two years.