Narconon Blog


Alina Snowden in Sobriety
November 16, 2023

Navigating Relapse During the Holiday Season

Navigating the holidays can be tricky for anyone. There is a lot of pressure and stress involved. For a recovering addict, it can be a challenge. Here are some tips on how to help your loved one get through the holidays with their sobriety intact.


Alina Snowden in Sobriety
December 29, 2022

Instant Gratification, a Slippery Slope

Many of us find ourselves impulse buying something because we want it, ordering expensive food delivery because it’s easy, or using drugs and alcohol to avoid our problems. There are ways to look at our choices and be able to stop ourselves before destroying our lives because we want it now.


Alina Snowden in Drug Awareness
December 23, 2021

The Alcoholidays

Holidays can be a particularly rough time for those who struggle with alcohol or are recently sober. It is important to recognize this and be mindful of assisting friends and family to navigate through this Holiday Season while maintaining their sobriety.


Alina Snowden in Family Help
December 2, 2021

The Dangerous Waiting Game

Admitting you have a problem is never easy, and leaving your family for treatment over the holidays doesn’t make it any easier. Yet waiting till after the holidays is a dangerous waiting game. Do you do what you want, or what you should?