Aaron in Success Story
February 28, 2018

“I Got Sick of Living that F*#@! Up Life”

At first, I honestly didn’t want to go into treatment. I never wanted help and thought I was going to be a drug addict until the day I died. I figured my parents would eventually bury me since I was a terribly bad meth addict for a lot of years.


Aaron in Success Story
February 21, 2018

By Far the Greatest Gift

When I arrived at Narconon, my life was filled with darkness. I had completely shut out all those who loved me and had given up on myself and my life. I accepted that my life was going to be hopeless, alone, and living in the shadows of what it could have been.


Aaron in Success Story
December 26, 2017

“3 yrs 9 months 4 days sober—but who’s counting!”

“I always think of what you guys did for me—and how special this time of year is, being able to spend with family. I am truly blessed to have found all of you.…“