The Perfect Disguise


Cultures and in fact groups follow a moral code for fitting in. From the military to a hunting club to a family’s social gatherings, each group has its own way of fitting in. Even if one were trying to fit in as a drug addict.

In the South, camo is practically a must have; engrained into the DNA. Being from the south, not only did I have camo for hunting, it was one of the ways I fit in.

I also had a way to fit in as an addict. My “addict camo” consisted of keeping myself well groomed, wearing nice clothes and driving a nice car. Granted all those things were given to me, but I thought I was doing a decent job following through on the grooming and keeping the clothes up. I tried to disguise the fact I was slowly killing myself. From my perspective, I thought I was blending well.

Like many addicts, I was the human equivalent of a chameleon adapting to my environment or at least that’s what I thought. It’s common knowledge that to stay disguised, you don’t say, do or wear anything that makes you stand out from the environment. You don’t want any unwanted attention. You dedicate time and effort and money, to make sure that being noticed doesn’t happen.

Now that I am on the other end of this, I realize just how much I stood out. I look back at my years and years of struggling with addiction and see just how noticeable I was. No matter what I did or said, I might as well have been walking around with a spotlight on me. The only person I was fooling was myself.

The time I finally got honest with myself and let others in and dropped all the camo and lies, I felt a huge relief. I finally let all the lies and worries go and opened the door which led to me having the life I wanted.

The only person you are hiding from is yourself. Call for help today.


Daniel Humphreys

While growing up in a country town in Mississippi, Daniel fell into drug addiction. He turned his life around and not only has become a better father to his young son, he now helps others who have the goal of becoming sober.