Three Deadly Mistakes
Families of Addicts Make

White candle

I work with families to get their loved ones into treatment and find most run into the same issues with how to successfully get it done. Here is my experienced advice on how to assist your loved one in to drug treatment.

Too Many Options

One of the mistakes I see people often make is giving the addict too many options. I find families spend days, if not months picking out all kinds of programs so when they confront the addict, they can give them options of different programs. One of the issues with this is an addict is not very capable of making major decisions when they are under the influence. It is also very overwhelming for them. Making the decision to finally get help is hard enough and then when they are given the task of picking the program, it is even harder. Since the family member is the one who spent all the time researching different programs, they should be the one to choose.

Saying the Addict Needs to Be Willing Before Acting

Along with this is getting the addict’s willingness. This seems to be the biggest hurdle a lot of family members run into but, it is not as hard as it seems. If an intervention is an option, I would highly recommend it. Having someone outside of the family circle intervene makes a big difference. There is already a lot of animosity between drug addicts and families and this emotion tends to get in the way.

I know interventions are not always an option, so I recommend parents use any leverage they must to coerce the addict into getting help. I understand doing this is uncomfortable, but remember you are trying to save their life. Saying “they need to hit rock bottom“ is like condemning them to death. Addicts are not happy, which is why they abuse drugs. You will need to get them to see that for themselves to get their willingness. I am going to stress again you need to have the program picked out when trying to help someone so there is no time lag between getting their agreement to go and then onto a plane or into the car towards their destination. Having a place to send them already chosen allows you to keep the cycle moving with no time lapse as during the time lapse is when many addicts bounce (usually out of a fear of withdrawal symptoms). If this happens, you basically must start all over again with getting the agreement.


The deadliest mistake families are guilty of is waiting. Time is NOT on your side when it comes to saving a life and getting someone off drugs. You know something needs to be done and it is a difficult thing to deal with but when families wait bad, things happen. The addict says they will try harder so the family gives them a second chance. This will inevitably turn into a relapse. Sometimes, I will hear I am too pushy but as a sober ex-addict, it is all too real to me that I am attempting to SAVE A LIFE. A fireman would not pause hesitatingly at the threshold of a burning building, but would instead rush inside to save those who are trapped. I know an addict is trapped and will do all I can to assist them in getting out of that trap. Addiction does not just magically go away, someone needs to do something effective about it.

If you need advice or just an ear, I am here to help. Give me a call and I will do everything possible to assist you to get your loved one sober. There is no better time than right now.


Dianna Re, CAS

A native New Orleanian, Dianna is the Graduate Officer and as such, maintains contact with graduates and their families to ease the transition from rehabilitation, back into society. Keep up with her on Facebook, or connect with her through LinkedIn.