A Letter from a Loving Wife
Losing someone you love is one of the worst things that can happen to a person, especially when you lose someone you spend every day with, and when they lose their life at a young age. With the opiate epidemic in full swing, this happens to families across the country each day.
Bringing My Son Back from Addiction
Addiction has consumed my life for years. I have learned and faced several different lessons throughout my journey, all of which I previously denied in the beginning and for many years. I constantly fought with myself and others. It didn’t matter who was telling me the truth, because I knew better.
How I Saved My Cousin
I had a serious problem with drugs for a number of years. I was able to work through my own problems and I have been sober for some time. I am one of the lucky ones. The same cannot be said for all my old acquaintances, friends, and family. I work for Narconon now.
“My Son Overcame His Heroin Addiction”
“My husband, the father of my two children, died the day before our son’s 15 th birthday. He was supposed to live for 12 months after his diagnosis of brain cancer, but he lived for 18 months and then died at home, on Oct. 14, 1998.
“Narconon SAVED MY SON”
I’ll start from the beginning. When my son was 13, I noticed a change. Maybe it was hormonal. That happens. Denial. At 16, I noticed even more of a change. Maybe it’s a girl. Another denial. Maybe it was the fact I had remarried as did his dad. Denial again. Anger, outrage, being disrespectful.
My Son Kicked Heroin’s Butt!!!!!!
My son's road to recovery started Feb 25th, 2015. I am happy to say that he has been clean for over a year now. “But it just wasn ’ t that simple. I knew he was using drugs but wasn't sure what. I had sent him to 3 rehabs. While he was there, not one of them ever called me.
A Grandmother’s Thanks
To the staff of Narconon Louisiana: Imagine my super delight over the past six years since my beautiful granddaughter, Julianna, successfully completed treatment at your facility for drug overuse and that she is once again a well rounded, optimistic, family and career-minded, young woman.