Understanding Why Drugs Control Addicts

Growing up, I was always on a set schedule. I knew when I had to wake up, go to school, go to dance, dance team, church, everything. There were hardly any last-minute plans and no wiggle room in my schedule. I spent years going from school to dance team to dance. Anytime anyone asked what I was doing, the answer was always, “I’m at dance.” I felt as if I didn’t have a social life.
I started drinking any time I could to escape my hectic schedule. In middle school I was drinking at night, then in high school, I started drinking at school. That is when alcohol began to control my life. Once this started, I never wanted to go to dance, or to school. I didn’t want to go anywhere. All I wanted to do was drink, but my parents wanted me involved in extracurricular activities. I then started smoking weed because I could function better on it, and I thought it wasn’t as obvious. It started off as being casual, but I wanted more, and my schedule wasn’t allowing it.
By seventeen, I’d had enough. I quit the dance team and my dance studio. I had been casually smoking weed at that point, but after I gained so much free time, I kicked it up a notch.
I was smoking every day, all day. I felt as if I couldn’t function without it. In my mind, I believed it truly made me who I was, and life was more enjoyable with it. Weed began to control my life. If I did go to school, I would only show up to get my work, then leave. The only priority I had was getting high. I would sneak out, steal, and manipulate others in order to get what I wanted. After a while, I wanted more and discovered LSD.
When I first took LSD and tripped, it was magical at first. I loved every moment and wanted to look at everything. From then on, it showed me a whole new way to look at the world. I started tripping every weekend because I thought it made life more colorful and interesting. I loved the escape it gave me and the new outlook I had on life. To me, everything was alive, and breathing and I could feel it all. All I wanted was to always be tripping. I would steal acid from my boyfriend and trip when I was alone. Then my view of the world changed, and it was no longer colorful or interesting. I became different, depressed, and anxious. I constantly had nightmares that I desperately wanted to escape. All I wanted was to stay awake, and that’s when cocaine took over.
“Drugs took complete control of my life. I was spiraling and didn’t know what to do. I knew I needed help, but believed I was a lost cause and no rehab could help me. Then I discovered Narconon...”
It started off as a fun nightly routine, then turned into a full-blown addiction. I needed it and believed I had to have it in order to survive. I constantly had a straw up my nose and couldn’t go but a few hours without it. My income wasn’t able to pay for my addiction, and I became desperate. From there, I started stealing from my parents. When I couldn’t get money, I’d become violent in order to get it. I had lost control of my life and decided drugs were more important. Nothing mattered to me but getting high and being numb. Drugs took complete control of my life. I was spiraling and didn’t know what to do. I knew I needed help but believed I was a lost cause, and no rehab could help me. Then I discovered Narconon.

I contacted the people at Narconon, and I slowly crawled out of the hole I’d dug myself. Slowly over time, I craved drugs less and less, and from there, I realized I could function without drugs. Not only that, I could do anything sober. I didn’t need to drown myself in a bottle or numb myself with cocaine. I learned to love myself again, and I could face anything that came my way. My family is proud. They’re no longer worried and losing sleep over me. They finally have peace knowing I’m safe and sober, all because of Narconon.