What a Journey It Has Been!

DN Narconon Graduate
D.N., Narconon Graduate

I was nervous and apprehensive at the beginning but still persevered through everything the program had to offer. The first night I got into withdrawal, I had no idea the program was a long-term program. This made me sad, uncomfortable, and nervous that I wouldn’t be able to handle it. As withdrawal moved on, I began to feel more and more comfortable and more accepting of where I was at.

Withdrawal taught me patience, courage, and confidence. I learned to be comfortable in my own skin without the drugs I would poison my body with.

The next step was the sauna. The sauna detoxification helped me feel healthy again. I started feeling more energized, focused, and motivated. I started sleeping amazingly and always ending up well-rested. I met a lot of good friends who had my best interest at heart and ended up spending hours with them every day.

Next was the Objectives. Objectives seemed pointless and dumb, but during the process, I began to feel clear-headed and focused in my day-to-day life. Almost like everything was becoming real to me. I entered the present time and had many eye-opening realizations that will stick with me for years.

Finally, Life Skills came around. This was what I was looking forward to the most. I was excited to just focus on myself and sit and learn all day. Here in ethics, I learned who I should stay away from and who I should associate with. I learned who’s there for me and has my best interest at heart, and who is only going to drag me down. I disconnected from bad influences and finally became a person I can respect.

I prioritized my life so old situations I put myself through will not happen to me again. I will do this by avoiding toxic people and places. I will get things off my chest. I will look forward to contributing to society by being more disciplined and being more responsible. I will always pay attention to the increases in production, happiness, or drive in my own life and recognize what is bettering myself. I will always look out for impulsive bad behavior and refrain from doing so.

“I am proud of myself, and it feels as if I am ready to tackle anything life has to throw at me.”

I was accepted back into the group and found out what they needed from me, which I will use from this point forward. I am proud of myself, and it feels as if I am ready to tackle anything life has to throw at me. I appreciate my parents and all the hard-working staff that have helped me to get to this new high point in my life. I feel like a new man, and I appreciate the dedication and the drive Narconon had in order to help me get my life on track.

D.N., Narconon Graduate



Aaron has been writing drug education articles and documenting the success of the Narconon program for over two years.