I am Ecstatic to Share My Story

F.H.—Narconon Graduate

When I first arrived at Narconon, I was convinced my physical and mental condition was permanent.

The hardest part of the program for me was the sauna. I went through sweating out every toxin I’ve used in my entire life. There were times I felt as if I was re-experiencing the effects of toxins all over again. I never gave up, no matter the circumstance I was facing. I just kept showing up, running every morning for 30 minutes, sweating, taking vitamins, and flushing the toxins out.

After I completed the Sauna portion part of the program, I then moved onto the next section, Objectives, therapeutic remedies to help get your mind and body back into the present time. There are 15 of them. From them, I could pinpoint and identify who I was, that I was and where I was, that I was the one moving my own body and holding full power over it, in every circumstance.

These realizations were groundbreaking for someone like me. I convinced myself for so long I was going to be stuck feeling this way forever, but this was NOT the case.

During my Objectives, I started to play the piano again. As an artist, this was magical to me. I felt I had lost my abilities, and it was devastating. Yet, I remembered the songs I wrote on guitar and could play them without the flaw of forgetting. I began to paint again, I remembered things I loved again, what my favorite foods were and everything was coming back!

I wasn’t sure if I could grow more than I already had. The last part of the program was about to bless me with more. The ethics portion of the program was another tough but necessary part of the program. Confronting my life as an addict was hard.

I was able to confront every single source of my problems and the WHY. I was no longer going to make excuses for my pain and suffering as an addict but face and take responsibility for my actions and part in my sickness. I took a good look at how I was causing these issues in my life. So, I could figure out how to not fall in the same pitfalls going forward. I was able to pinpoint the toxicity in my life and handle it instead of blaming others or misfortunes on the situation that became my life.

I am ecstatic to share my story with anyone who might benefit from hearing it as I am well aware there are millions of other humans out there who suffer from or share these situations with me. Just know there is hope for the proclaimed “forever drug addict,” the “sick” or suffering human beings.

“There are solutions; there are people out who want to help you dig yourself out of the darkness.”

There are solutions; there are people out who want to help you dig yourself out of the darkness. There is a way to sift out the particles which you don’t fully comprehend. There is a way out; you only have to make the decision and have the courage to change it for no one but yourself.

My name is Franky… and this is my story.



Aaron has been writing drug education articles and documenting the success of the Narconon program for over two years.