Narconon Sauna Program—
A Scientifically Proven Detox Method
A report published by Zane R. Gard, M.D., points to the scientific evidence that the sauna program utilized by Narconon centers throughout the world is extremely effective.
Dr. Gard stated that currently, the sauna program utilized in this program is the only detoxification method that releases stored impurities from body reserves while being completely safe for the patient.
In the New Life Detoxification Program, as it’s called, the patient is given therapeutic doses of minerals, vitamins and oils in conjunction with time spent in the dry heat of a sauna and moderate daily exercise.
In this way, the toxin residues are flushed out from fatty tissue. These chemicals are then released from the body either via perspiration due to sweating in the sauna or through the intestinal tract. The sauna program is a precisely calculated protocol which ensures toxins dislodged from the fatty tissue are flushed completely out of the system and do not re-enter the bloodstream.
While this detox process is not intended to cure any specific illness, disease, or disorder, numerous scientific research programs and clinical studies have clearly demonstrated that many general health benefits have been gained by participants.
Dr. Gard also cited studies conducted by Dr. David Schnare, Ph.D., a policy analyst for the United States Environmental Protection Agency, who concluded that individuals who participated in the full sauna program (as used by Narconon) experienced a reduction in toxicity levels of up to 97%. Dr. Schnare also found that after the sauna program had officially ended, the patient’s body continued to naturally eliminate toxins for a period of months thereafter.
For more information about the Narconon sauna program and its benefits, contact our drug and alcohol detox counselor.
Our drug abuse rehab counselors are standing by to assist you.