Former Narconon President Speaks Out against Drugging for Drug Addiction
Clark Carr, the past President of Narconon International for two decades, made an official statement recognizing the Global Commission on Drug Policy for some of their progressive stances, but criticizing others.
Carr stated that, “What the commission has done right is to challenge all governments to break out of their emphasis on criminalization.” Carr pointed out that millions of non-violent offenders are behind bars. However, he criticized the commission’s policy supporting maintenance drug programs. “What is unacceptable is their support of programs touting themselves as ‘drug recovery’ programs when what they do is dispense addictive drugs.”
Currently, the Global Commission on Drug Policy recommends the use of maintenance drugs such as buprenorphine and methadone—and even recommends “heroin-assisted” treatment programs (commonly referred to as “HAT” programs) that are available in Europe and in Canada.
Carr closed his remarks by stating that, “The War on Drugs may be a failed policy, but worse is to accept the hypothesis that addiction is an incurable disease and not demand effective drug rehabilitation.”
For years, the Narconon New Life Retreat has been using the Narconon model of effective drug rehabilitation in order to put an end to drug dependence for individual addicts. Our long term drug rehab program helps people to conquer their addiction. Once this is accomplished, there is no need for maintenance on other addictive drugs or ”treatment” with methadone, a drug that is harder to withdraw from than heroin. When someone no longer has the compulsion to use drugs, they are free from drug abuse forever.
If you or someone you know has a drug problem, we can help. Call our hotline. Help is just a call away.