Narconon Can Successfully Alleviate Long-Term Effects of Cannabis Use

A recent scientific study reveals that long-term exposure to cannabis has severe effects on the nervous system and mental abilities. The study recruited long-term marijuana users, short-term marijuana users and a group that did not use marijuana. Each group went through the same testing that included verbal ability, control of attention and the ability to quickly coordinate thinking with physical action.
Both long-term and short-term marijuana users were required to abstain from drug use for 24 hours prior to testing.
Long-term cannabis abusers significantly underperformed when it came to verbal memory and the ability to quickly coordinate thinking with physical action. Both long-term and short-term cannabis users had a significantly higher proportion of deficits concerning verbal memory, general memory and control of attention. The scientists conducting this study concluded that specific faculties of the brain appear to deteriorate under the burden of long-term, frequent cannabis use.
One of the reasons long-term marijuana users lose these cognitive abilities is due to the buildup of cannabis residues in the fatty tissues of the body. Once the bulk of a drug is broken down by the body and eliminated, some residues remain behind, lodged in these fatty tissues from which it is harder to clear toxins. The presence of these residues can contribute to a person feeling foggy, wooden, dead and lifeless after extensive drug use.
The New Life Detoxification Program—one phase of the Narconon drug rehab program—is designed specifically to flush out these toxic residues. As the toxins leave, the person in recovery can begin to feel his normal emotions again and he can start thinking more clearly as he did before he ever used drugs or drank excessively. This is the start of a whole new ability to live a sober, productive, enjoyable life.
To learn more about our drug rehabilitation facility, the Narconon New Life Retreat, call us.
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The study’s authors: Lambros Messinis, PhD; Sonia Malefaki, PhD; Anthoula Kyprianidou, BSc; and Panagiotis Papathanasopoulos, MD, PhD.