Narconon Blog
Drug Rehab Caught Exploiting Addicts
At the end of last month 11 people were arrested for exploiting drug addicts. The horrifying thing is five of them were doctors. Fountain Valley Drug Treatment Center located in Orange County, California is allegedly responsible for a pay-for-implants scam.
Drugs Are Killing… And You’re Helping
Throughout my experiences in dealing with addiction, I have found a common trend. Addicts are being left to their own devices to get help. Family members and loved ones are putting too much responsibility on people struggling with addiction to get help.
Raising the Bars
Oregon is working on a bill to defelonize the possession of small amounts of heroin and cocaine. When this was first brought up, it caused much controversy because law abiding citizens felt it was crazy that someone would not be arrested if they had cocaine or heroin.
“Everything Is Fine”
This is the type of conversation I would have with my Mother when I was using drugs. Everything seemed relatively normal and to her, it seemed as if I was doing fine. What really happened is a different matter….