Narconon Blog
How to Detect a Faked Drug Test
Urine adulteration is a common method practiced by those who want their drug testing results to come out negative even if they have the presence of illegal drugs in their system. Here are common and popular means of altering a urine analysis of which a parent, loved one or employer should be aware.
A Guide to Educating Children About Drugs
People take drugs because they want to change something about themselves or their life. They can’t handle or control situations in life so instead of confronting them, they hide behind them, using drugs and alcohol to mask the pain or problem.
Addiction Through My Eyes
The main thing I remember about being a pill popping, coke snorting, heroin smoking, alcoholic was fear. Several types of fear in fact and each to varying degrees. From the slight fear of having cops bust in while nodding out, to the absolute terror of running out of dope.
What’s a Life Worth?
We commonly say lives are invaluable and saving a life, any life, is worth any effort, any expense. But do we mean it? The concept of assigning a price tag to a life has always made people intensely squeamish. Who assigns the value? I’ll look at the birth of my two sons.
How to Get a Loved One into Treatment
People who know someone struggling with an addiction often wonder how to help an addicted friend or relative. The decision to get help for someone you care about who has an addiction is never easy. Fortunately, with your support, they have a greater chance of overcoming their addiction.
What You Should Tell Your Kids about Drugs
It is a sad reality the vast majority of people who become addicted to tobacco, alcohol and drugs take their first puff, chew, sip, snort or injection when they are young—often, very young. In recent decades substance abuse has become more widespread among pre-teen children.
How Did It Go So Wrong?
“I took a long look back and asked how did I become such a bad alcoholic and addict? “ I found I started like most other children, watching family members drinking having fun and laughing. It seemed this was mostly during get-togethers and family outings.
Don’t Have a Wasted Life
The Earth is a little over 4.5 billion years old. Mammals didn't evolve until 200 million years ago and our own species, Homo sapiens evolved 200,000 years ago. So, humans have been around for a mere 0.004% of the Earth's history. Earth is home to millions of species, yet just one dominates it. Man.
The Closet Drinker
Both young and older alcoholics go to the ends of the earth to hide their addiction from all, even other alcoholics. Here are some signs I had as a closet drinker…
Why We Lie
I was a Commercial Fisherman in Alaska for 30 years and lived in the great northwest of Washington. I started experimenting with pot and alcohol at the age 14. For 40 years I was an addict or an alcoholic and honestly it would be faster to tell you what I haven’t done or tried during that time.