Getting Back on Track

BW Narconon Graduate

When I first went to the Narconon Program, I had a lot of mixed feelings. I knew drugs had become a big problem in my life. While I wanted to get clean, deep down I didn’t feel like I deserved a better life because of all the damage I had caused, not only while on drugs, but also in the time I was sober.

I was constantly in trouble before I started using and drugs just made things worse. I was kicked out of several schools, locked up as a juvenile, and later as an adult. I was a constant liability to my family and society due to my continuous harmful actions.

What made me decide to give the program a try, was realizing I was tired of not going anywhere in life and I was losing so many years of my life to the California prison system. I had run out of options to make things better on my own, so I decided to go to Narconon to get the most out of the program and so I could leave as a sober individual who was no longer a liability to my family and society.

Throughout my stay, I experienced numerous wins in overcoming my addiction. After completing withdrawal and sauna, I felt healthier than I had felt since I began taking drugs. I had more energy, and I was thinking clearer. Objectives helped me acquire patience and how to be in the present moment—not focused on my past.

“It taught me a positive way to deal with
day-to-day problems in life….”

Ethics was a huge step in the program for me. I experienced great relief confronting and letting go of all the negative things in my past. Writing up what I had done helped me talk about all the bad things I did to society and my friends that had negatively changed my life. Most of the time, my friends were just looking out for me, and writing these things up helped me come to terms with myself and find peace. It taught me a positive way to deal with day-to-day problems in life and I was able to work through those conditions and learn how to fix a condition before things could potentially get worse.

While doing the society assignment, it was hard for me to confront certain things I had done in the past. I got stuck several times, not wanting to do it anymore. I did not want to take responsibility for a lot of things I now realize I created myself. I have experienced great relief getting these past misdeeds off my chest and can now see how the bad decisions I made in the past affected my future. While doing this assignment, I realized how much I had been justifying the things I had done. Going through each of the things individually while sober helped me see how messed up my life really was, and it made me take responsibility for all my actions.

I can truly say the Narconon program has changed my life for the better, and I would like to thank all the staff for helping me through it.

—B.W. Narconon Graduate



Aaron has been writing drug education articles and documenting the success of the Narconon program for over two years.