Ending My Vicious Cycle
“I would best describe my life before Narconon in one simple word, chaos. The dwindling spiral I was lost in had been an ongoing process of self-destruction for almost 10 years. I first started smoking weed at around 12 years old, which led to Xanax, which led to pain pills, which led to heroin, and heroin led me to the bane of my existence, the needle.…
My Body Feels Healthier!
The Narconon program begins with a drug-free withdrawal process designed to assist the individual in coming off drugs as rapidly and comfortably as possible. This is done without putting them on drug replacements such as suboxone or methadone and lengthening the rehabilitation process.
Leaving My Past Behind
When I first arrived for treatment at Narconon , I was a wreck. I was scatterbrained, scared and numb. I started the sauna detoxification and was not sure of how it was supposed to help me. As time went on, I noticed I was starting to think and feel better . So apparently it worked.