Aaron in Success Story
May 13, 2021

Become the Best “You” for Yourself and Your Loved Ones

One of our graduates shares their story of how they ended up struggling in life and damaging their relationships. Learning that opening up was the way, they made their way into a new and better life.


Aaron in National News
September 1, 2017

Learn to Prevent Overdoses

August 31st is the day we celebrate International Overdose Awareness Day to commemorate those lost to drug addiction and to raise awareness on how to prevent the loss of more life. The drug epidemic has not slowed down and now more than ever, it is important to be prepared.


Aaron in National News
July 19, 2017

The Unthinkable Has Happened

We hear about the opiate epidemic in this country on a pretty regular basis. However, in most of those cases. it is those with an addiction or their family member’s that suffer. Not unsuspecting children… The unthinkable has happened in Miami, the Magic City.