East Baton Rouge Heroin Epidemic

In all of 2012, there were five heroin overdose deaths in East Baton Rouge. But partway into the next year, the parish coroner was projecting a total of 50 heroin overdose deaths for the year – that would set a new record for a tragic statistic. 

Dr. Clark, the coroner, said:

“That’s a ten-fold increase in cases – it is concerning that that many people are dying as a result of heroin.”

While heroin used to be considered a problem of transients and people on skid row, this is no longer the case. Narconon New Life Retreat would like to offer our help to the families of those struggling with addiction. We offer educational materials on the signs of drug abuse to help you determine if a loved one is using heroin or another drug. In addition, we offer assistance in finding the best treatment center for your loved one. Call us today.