Narconon Blog
Embracing My Second Chance
One of our graduates tells his story of how he went through the program almost 10 years ago. Now, he has a beautiful wife and two amazing kids thanks to Narconon giving him a second chance at life.
Finding My Purpose In Life
One of our graduates talks about his struggles before coming to Narconon. He opens up and tells his story of his time at Narconon and how he found his purpose.
One Year Down, So Many to Go
One of our Narconon Graduates tells about her life before coming to Narconon and everything she overcame. Now, at one year sober, she is still going strong.
Finally Found My Purpose
One of our most recent graduates tells his story of how he kept getting prescribed medicine to fix a problem but it never fixed it. It wasn’t until coming to the Narconon program that he realized the problem, overcame it, and now knows his purpose in life.
Life Keeps Getting Better and Better
One of our most recent graduates opens up and tells his story about how he felt hopeless and isolated himself. He talks about overcoming many challenges and how he knew Narconon was the right choice for him.