Narconon Blog


Cori Kertis, CIT

Growing up in Nevada, she moved to Hawaii by herself at the age of 16. On a trip home to visit grandparents, she was offered a chance at residential treatment. Now over a year sober, Cori lives in Denham Springs and works at Narconon Louisiana helping other addicts who want a new life. LinkedIn: Cori Kertis Google+: Cori Kertis Twitter: @CoriKertis

Cori Kertis, CIT in National News
September 18, 2018

Finally, Good News About the Opiate Epidemic

The opiate epidemic has been a huge issue for years and at this point, the opiate epidemic is a household name. Everyone has heard of it and knows how bad it is.


Cori Kertis, CIT in Success Story
July 12, 2018

I Beat My Addiction Three Years Ago!

Three years. So many things can change and occur in 3 years. You can travel to Mars and back, walk around the world or complete a degree. While I have not been to Mars or walked around the world, I have made some spectacular accomplishments.


Cori Kertis, CIT in Family Help
November 30, 2017

The Christmas that Should Not Have Been

Presents, lights, family, food, cold weather; all go hand in hand with the holidays. Addiction, pain, dysfunction, lies; things that shouldn’t be associated with the holidays but unfortunately are all too common if there is an addict in the family .


Who Is More Likely to Become a Drug Addict?

A 7 year old little girl lies in bed next to her older brother. Tears are streaming down both of their faces. Once again, their mom and dad are fighting. They hear breaking glass and loud voices as they sob.


How Far Would You Go to Get High?

It’s early afternoon and withdrawals are beginning to kick in. I used the last of the drugs I had last night and all I can think of now is how to get more. I have no money and nothing left to sell. I am beyond desperate.


Cori Kertis, CIT in Addiction
April 3, 2017

Giving Up Hope

Each time you hit rock bottom, it’s unimaginably worse than the last. Why does the bottom keep dropping? I’m slowly falling down, trying to grasp onto anything to keep me afloat. Yet again, I have hit the bottom. Hitting rock bottom is a different experience for everyone.


Cori Kertis, CIT in Family Help
March 8, 2017

Raw Intervention

15 hours to my final destination. Honestly, it felt more like days had passed instead of the few hours that went by while I was unconscious on the frigid airplane. What time was it? Every day seemed like I was in a dream state of mind, unsure what I was doing or what my end goal is.


Cori Kertis, CIT in Addiction
January 26, 2017

Being an Addict and Loving an Addict

I’m wandering aimlessly through the house anticipating the next high. Our drug dealer finally comes through with a fix. Never on time, but he finally gets here.…


Cori Kertis, CIT in Sobriety
January 14, 2017


Where did addiction take me? I could tell dark stories of addiction because believe me there are plenty. I could exploit the dark memories of using drugs: where I was, who I was with, etc. Things I vaguely remember and things that are etched into my mind forever.


Cori Kertis, CIT in Addiction
January 9, 2017

The Price of Hospitality

The late Saturday morning hour ticks by and soon enough becomes the afternoon. The sun is higher in the sky and the pounding in my head is at its peak. I’m coming down and groggy. The only logical remedy is one thing—more drugs. My shift starts in an hour.…