Signs of Cocaine Abuse
Cocaine is a strong stimulant that’s been immortalized in many movies and television shows. While at one time it was considered a rich person’s drug and was associated with luxurious lifestyles, there is nothing glamorous about a cocaine addiction. Cocaine is simply a drug that destroys lives and can kill by severely damaging one’s heart and arteries.
This article seeks to unveil the truth and give a clearer picture of cocaine.
Impact on Society:
Between the toll caused by overdoses and the crimes committed to support a habit, cocaine has an insidious effect on society. Last year 74,450 lbs. of cocaine were seized by the DEA. Cocaine use was also directly responsible for more than 5,000 fatalities. Cocaine can be used in its powder form, it can be dissolved and injected and it can be processed further until it turns into small hard rocks referred to as crack cocaine. These rocks are then smoked.

Cocaine in the Media:
Cocaine was famously immortalized in the 1983 movie Scarface. The movie portrays the story of a Cuban immigrant who becomes a drug lord and meets an untimely demise. Scarface and other movies like Cocaine Cowboys and Blow have popularized cocaine use.
While the films may reveal the grim outcome of cocaine addiction, cocaine is still perceived as a drug of the rich. In the past couple years, cocaine has continued to be featured in popular culture. In one of the biggest blockbusters of 2014, the movie Wolf of Wall Street has a scene where Jordan Belfort is told by his mentor that cocaine is the key to success.

This stimulant is highly addicting both mentally and physically. Cocaine was invented in 1860 by a graduate student. Albert Niemann, while studying for his chemistry doctorate at Germany’s Gottingen University, first purified the active ingredient of coca leaves.
By 1885, cocaine was recognized for its medical properties and sold as a solution for depression, sexual impotence and toothache. In fact, Coca-Cola originally contained small amounts of cocaine and much of its initial success is credited to that fact.
It wasn’t until 1920 following a large public push that a prohibition of cocaine was instated.
Signs of abuse:
Someone who is abusing cocaine will have dilated pupils, may be jittery, easily agitated, very excited, unusually confident and energetic. After heavy use, they may suffer from paranoia and exhaustion.
A person addicted to cocaine will usually struggle with having the money for this expensive drug. If someone you know shows any of these signs, please contact us to find the best help for your loved one.