Narconon Blog


Alina Snowden in Success Story
September 20, 2023

I Got My Daughter Back

The father of a Narconon graduate tells his story of how his daughter grew up seemingly normal. Things then took a turn when she became an addict. He had to make difficult decisions he never thought he’d have to make.


Alina Snowden in Addiction
April 10, 2023

The Drug Rollercoaster

One of our staff members tells his story of how one Xanax led him down a path of destruction. From there he spiraled, lost sight of himself and came to Narconon to change his life for the better.


Alina Snowden in Addiction
March 15, 2023

Unhealthy Relationships in Addiction

One of our graduates talks about how he was unfaithful and constantly lied to his ex. Over time the relationship deteriorated. Lying, cheating, and treating one another poorly is detrimental to a healthy relationship.


Alina Snowden in Drug Rehab
December 1, 2022

Addiction Can Impact Anyone

When you think of someone who is struggling with addiction, there is no set image of what to think. Just like everyone in the world, addicts have different upbringings and come from different walks of life.


Alina Snowden in Family Help
August 15, 2022

The Dangers of Drug-Fueled Relationships

Many addicts are in drug-fueled relationships. They feel pressured to use drugs and may even think they have control because their partner will keep them in check. One of our graduates tells her story of how she was in a drug fueled relationship and how the drugs ended up taking control of her life.


Alina Snowden in Success Story
March 22, 2022

The High Took Me So Low

One of our graduates tells of his relationship with his family and how they reacted when he became addicted to drugs. He talks about how he mended the relationship and came to realize they weren’t the enemy.


Alina Snowden in Family Help
December 10, 2021

The Mistakes of the Families of an Addict

One of our past graduates tells her experience with those in her life and how they dealt with her drug addiction and alcohol abuse. She shares why her loved ones struggled to get her to change and how she feels they could have been more effective.


Aaron in Success Story
November 11, 2021

Changing For The Better

One of our graduates tells the story of how she regained the trust of her family after losing it due to her bad choices. Finding her way back from the depths of addiction she learns how to stand on her own two feet.


Aaron in Success Story
June 10, 2021

Sober and Together

Three of our graduates father and twin sons all sober together for the first time in 20 years. One son tells the story of their story and how they over came their addictions as a family.


Aaron in Family Help
October 29, 2017

Where Did We Go Wrong?

I hope this story helps parents spot unhealthy signs in the event their child is moving towards addiction. If my story could change one life or prevent one addiction, that will be more than enough of a reward.