Preventing Relapse to Drug Addiction

Physical cravings for drugs or alcohol tend to be one of the main causes for relapse back to addiction. The addict is hit by an intense demand from the body to consume more of the addictive substance or suffer physical and emotional pain. Most drug rehabs don’t really address this in an effective manner. Instead, some substitute alternate drugs which suppress the cravings and withdrawal from the primary addictive substance.
Such maintenance programs merely substitute one addiction for another, leaving the addict still not free from drugs or alcohol. Other programs seek to dry the addict out and then set up support groups to help him maintain his sobriety in a continuing struggle to resist the pressures to take more drugs or alcohol. Such programs have a poor record of success and are a large part of the reason for the assertion that "addiction is a disease and relapses are a normal part of recovery." Clearly, if the goal of rehabilitation is a person living a drug free life, then neither of these approaches is accomplishes that with even a "reasonable" likelihood of success.
The Narconon drug rehabilitation program takes a very different approach. Entirely drug-free, even in the withdrawal step, the program uses a very unique and successful detoxification method, the New Life Detoxification, to reduce or eliminate stored drug residues that apparently generate the physical cravings for drugs. Those who have completed the New Life Detoxification routinely comment that their cravings for the drugs or alcohol which had controlled them are greatly reduced or, even, gone altogether. They also often express that they have more energy and can think more clearly, not through a drug-induced haze.
The New Life Detoxification is only one step on the Narconon program. Narconon offers much more, including a series of Life Skill Courses to give the student vital tools he or she needs to restore, maintain and increase a decent, happy and drug-free life after graduation.
The full Narconon drug rehab program is available for you or a loved one at the Narconon New Life Retreat. Call us today.