Thank You for Changing My Life
Life before Narconon was full of my own evil sickness—selling my soul to the devil “heroin”. Lying to my family, lying to my friends and lying to myself about my problems and addictions. I was fortunate enough to have my family send me to Narconon.
At first I had a difficult time with believing in the program but then I started to believe in it once I recognized changes in myself. If it wasn’t for the staff being so good at helping me through my issues and troubled past, I don’t know if the treatment program would have worked so well.
In a few days, it will be one year since I left Narconon. One of my most important goals, when I left Narconon, was to repair the damage done to my relationships with my family and my son because of my drug abuse. This past year has been all about that.
My son is in my life now and very shortly I will be able to have him with me every other weekend. I have just recently moved into my own place which is a two bedrooms, so he will have his own room. So much has changed in my life.
Thank you to Narconon and the wonderful staff that worked with me. Thank you for changing my life.
My mother also has a few words to say:
“My heart is full of gratitude for the counselors who worked with my son—for the books, the courses, for Narconon. It has given my son the ability to express himself with clarity, empathy, and truthfulness. He will be reunited with his own son, who is now ten. This is a milestone on his journey and on mine. Life is always beginning anew!”
—BV Narconon Graduate