Our program is not a limited-time program of 30 days. We allow people to progress through our program at their own rate because what is really important is their readiness to live a drug-free life again. For people from Lancaster looking for a permanent end to addiction, find out more about how we can help by contacting us today.
Lancaster, Pennsylvania has a population of 56,348 and dozens of historical landmarks, museums, art galleries, parks and venues for the performing arts.
Lancaster tends to rate higher than the national average in crime rates including murder, robbery, and arson. As is true with any areas around major northeast cities, Lancaster continues to also have an ongoing drug problem.
In the city of Lancaster, there is an intense need for effective drug and alcohol rehab and addiction treatment centers. On the average, only about 10% of those needing rehab help get it. The other 90% continue struggling with the destruction and devastation.
Drug use damages the quality of life for the user, their families and communities. Trust is destroyed as an addicted person steals, lies and manipulates so he or she can continue the use of drugs or alcohol. Careers and educational goals are derailed. Companies suffer millions of dollars in injuries, theft and lost productivity. Law enforcement costs escalate as more people are jailed for drug-related crimes.
Lancaster, Pennsylvania: Drug Information
At one time, cocaine was the curse of northeast urban centers. That threat has been replaced by opiates. Between 2002 and 2006, cocaine was responsible for about 18% of treatment admissions in Pennsylvania. In 2007, this statistic began to slump. After sending more than 14,000 to rehab in 2005, the drug was responsible for fewer than 5,000 admissions in 2011.
As cocaine declined, heroin began inching up and prescription painkillers followed this trend. Marijuana admissions have varied between 8,500 and 11,000 each year.
But the number of people stating that alcohol was the primary drug they were dependent on remains higher than any other drug, ranging around 20,000 annually.
Along with other regions in the Northeast, Lancaster, Pennsylvania is losing too many of its citizens to opiate overdoses. In Washington County, PA, the shocking news was released of 16 overdoses in 24 hours and 25 over just a two-day period. Fortunately, first responders in the area are equipped with the opiate antidote Naloxone and only three of these people lost their lives.
In 2011, more than 10,000 people sought treatment for heroin addiction and another 6,500 entered treatment for painkiller addiction. No matter what the primary drug of abuse is, it’s very common for addicts to mix the drugs they are taking. In fact, only 13.4% of those admitted to treatment were there for alcohol alone. More than 36% were consuming both alcohol and one or more drugs.
In all, it’s estimated that just under 900,000 people in Pennsylvania are struggling with alcohol use or drug use that is damaging their health, minds, lives, and communities. Most will not find treatment because they don’t think they have a problem and so don’t need rehabilitation.
Contact us today for more information about Lancaster, Pennsylvania drug abuse rehab.
The number of workable drug abuse solutions in Lancaster, Pennsylvania is unfortunately very limited, as most programs aren’t long-term residential and aren’t results-based. This is why so many people in Lancaster looking for a successful drug rehab program are turning to the Riverbend Retreat for answers.
In the State of Pennsylvania, and specifically in the city of Lancaster, the effects of drug and alcohol abuse goes way past the damage done to the addicts themselves.
There is time lost on the job, the health system inundated by illness and overdoses, communities harmed by the crime rate caused by addicts looking to steal anything in order to get their next fix, and families living a nightmare as they watch helplessly as their loved one goes further down the chute.
The rollercoaster of emotions, concern, and anger the abuser puts his friends and family through seems like a never-ending ride. Failures in the past with drug rehab centers further numb the addict to any hope of a future without drugs. It truly can appear hopeless.
What should the goal be of a drug rehab center? Clean and sober for 30 days? While that might be a good short term goal, many treatment centers and Twelve- Step programs still leave the drug addict fighting a continuing battle with addiction.
Is it true that once a person is addicted, they will always be an addict? That is not the belief at a Narconon drug rehabilitation center. We know that a person can recover and enjoy a productive, happy life.
When choosing a drug rehab center for yourself or a loved one from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, it is important to become educated on the different types of drug rehab and what the end results are.
Contact us today and let us explain the steps of our alternative drug rehab program.