Report on Cocaine Abuse in Washington, D.C.
Just recently, on an ordinary day at school, four children at Thompson Elementary School complained they were ill. After some questions being answered it was discovered that they either sniffed or swallowed an unknown amount of drug and so they were taken to the hospital. Later it was also discovered that a fourth grader brought cocaine to school and he just wanted to share it with his friends. A D.C. Fire Department spokesman, Peter Piringer, said, “The students were fine aside from having sore throats.” The school principal sent a letter to the parents saying child protective services and the police are doing some investigating and they want to find out how the child got the cocaine in the first place. The child was eventually charged with drug possession.
That is just one of the stories that Washington D.C. has to offer. In December of 2011, D.C. Police and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms announced a major crackdown on a D.C. drug operation. They arrested over 70 people and seized more than $7.1 million in guns and drugs. There were about 80 pounds of meth, 20 pounds of cocaine, 1.25 gallons of PCP and 23.5 pounds of marijuana, heroin and ecstasy. They also seized 161 firearms, including 29 assault weapons.
D.C. Police Chief Lanier said, “If these drugs and guns had made it to our streets, the impact would have been devastating to the community. These suspects had bragged about other violent crimes they had committed and had no qualms about killing police officers, guards and other innocent people.” Well done Task Force! That absolutely will make a big difference in this community. That may be where this fourth grader got the cocaine….
Drug rehabs often have to deal with the problems caused by youth abusing drugs and becoming lifelong addicts.
If you or someone you love needs a drug rehab serving Washington, D.C., we can help. Call our hotline.