Don’t Let Spring Break Lead to Illegal Drug Use

It is that time of year again. The snow is melting, flowers are starting to bloom and tickets are being booked to far off destinations like Mexico, Hawaii and the Bahamas—because for most young adults the most important thing about spring is Spring Break. However, besides playing in a giant swimming pool and working on their tans, some spring breakers are getting involved in illegal drugs and unfortunately coming home with something more than just a sunburn—they’re coming home with an addiction to illegal drugs. When this occurs, it is vital to enroll in a drug and alcohol rehab like Narconon Louisiana.
Interestingly, Spring Break has become synonymous with drinking, partying, and losing control. But what if the party never stopped? What if five years later you woke up and were still acting like you were on Spring Break—with no responsibilities, and your only concern being the “party”. Unfortunately that is what can occur to people who have become addicted to drugs.
Everyone has heard of “peer pressure” and most people would consider themselves above that phenomenon. However, when thousands of young adults get together for several nights of partying, the peer pressure can be overwhelming. The alcohol, marijuana, cocaine and ecstasy present during this time can sometimes be hard to ignore.
Narconon Louisiana is an inpatient rehab that focuses on handling a person’s drug or alcohol addiction in a way where addicts can permanently confront their addictions and go on to become drug-free, productive, contributing members of society. This non-traditional facility does not subscribe to the idea that addiction is a disease. Instead, clients work one-on-one with a counselor figuring out what problems drugs and/or alcohol were solutions for. Once that problem is isolated and handled, clients no longer feel the need to resort to substances in order to block out pain and create numbness.
In addition to handling the underlying issues that lead a person to use drugs and alcohol in the first place, Narconon Louisiana has incorporated a detoxification program into the curriculum which allows clients to eliminate the ever-present cravings that drugs and alcohol leave behind, with the final outcome of a drastic reduction of physical drug cravings.
Achieving a high success rate for permanent recovery, Narconon Louisiana has managed to put together a program that is not only workable, but is effective as well. This Spring Break it is important to remember not to get involved with illegal drugs. If you or anyone you know is in need of help, please call Narconon Louisiana for more information.