Stable relationships can be built once a person achieves long-term recovery. Danarai found that by finding the support she needed to become a trustworthy person, she was able to have the family she had always wanted.
Danarai’s story is not unique. Drug addiction seems hopeless to many people. The cause of addiction will be debated by many, but what is unmistakable is the devastation addiction causes. More than 24 million people are addicted to drugs or alcohol in the United States and that number is only growing larger.
For an addicted person, drugs and alcohol seem like a solution to an underlying problem such as shyness, feelings of isolation or incompetence, boredom or conflicts at home or school. If they offer any kind of solution, it’s only temporary and of course, the destruction they cause far outweighs any relief the person might feel.
For 50 years, the Narconon drug rehab program has helped tens of thousands of people find long-term recovery. The success of the Narconon program is based on its unique approach – help a person detoxify the residues from past drug use for a fresh new outlook, help them get focused and re-oriented to their current lives and present environments and then build the life skills needed to steer a sober path.
Simple life skills such as knowing how to choose safe associates or overcoming challenging situations by making the right decisions are normally lost during the years spent addicted. But they are vital skills for a person who needs to develop a whole new sober pattern to his (or her) life. By teaching these skills and others, the Narconon program avoids any need to use drugs such as methadone or buprenorphine in recovery. Each person learns how to enjoy a productive, enjoyable life of sobriety. The approach is simple. Learn more by calling today.