64 New England Lives Lost to Heroin

Trees on the side of a river

A 2013 report on heroin overdoses in New Hampshire noted that 64 people were lost in just one year. Public safety officials have recognized heroin use as one of the top public safety issues in that state.

Some individuals start abusing painkillers and when they can no longer afford them, turn to heroin. The problem crosses every social and economic boundary.

Heroin addiction knows no boundaries—city or town, young or old, rich or poor”—officials said.

Many families don’t believe heroin could ever affect any of their lived ones. After all, they live in good neighborhoods and their kids go to good schools. This is no longer any protection. Families should ensure younger members are well-educated on the dangers of abusing pills or heroin and all adults should know the signs of heroin use.

Signs of Heroin Use:

Close up of heroin
  • Itchiness
  • Being defensive or evasive
  • Pinpoint pupils
  • Needle marks on arms or legs
  • Neglect of personal hygiene
  • Asking for money constantly
  • Avoiding friends and family

Please contact us for free educational materials on the signs of drug abuse. If you know anyone struggling with an addiction, please call us. We can help.